Project co-financed by the European Union

Project co-financed by the European

Public Notice “Contributions to support the digitization processes of Lazio companies – DIGITAL INNOVATION PROJECTS” – referred to in Det. N. G18226 of 20/12/2019 – POR FESR LAZIO 2014 – 2020 – CUP code F73D20000520007- Project code A0349E0014– COR2501753

Project approved with Resolution n. G09323 dated 4/12/2020

Project title: “Implementation of a new management system and digitization of information flows” – Acronym of the project: UNI-DIGITAL

Description of the project, aims, results:

The purpose of the program is to develop a plan that foresees a significant evolution of management dynamics in all corporate ambitions; the technological evolution in question requires the use of advanced processes, methods and tools, aimed at governing the entire life cycle of the product in a more efficient way, from its conception to the after-sales management phase. The activities in question are grafted into this context, which have the purpose of introducing:

a management system that includes both tangible (SCANNER) and intangible (APPLICATION SOFTWARE) equipment, as well as consultancy services to customize the solution for the specific application field.

The aim of the project is to obtain significant advantages, in terms of:

  • Reducing waste
  • Reduction of management costs
  • Reduction of production costs
  • Lead time reduction

Financial support received: €51,219.62